Wednesday, October 15, 2008

No Longer an “Axis of Evil”

On Friday the Bush Administration removed North Korea from the “Blacklist”. The “Blacklist” is the list of countries that are suspected of helping or harboring terrorists. In the beginning of the Bush Administration, President Bush called Iraq, Iran, and North Korea the “axis of evil” and said that these countries supported terrorism. Until recently President Bush has maintained a hard stance with the countries on the “blacklist” and did not negotiate with them.

North Korea has agreed not to start its reactor since it has been taken off the “Blacklist”. With North Korea agreeing not to restart their reactor after being taken off the “Blacklist” it may allow North Korea to feel open to it neighbors and be willing to have peace talks with such countries as South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. Also with North Korea not operating its nuclear reactor it will not produce nuclear byproduct which can make nuclear weapons. With North Korea being taken off the “Blacklist” it will make the American public safer by making the North Korean government not feel threatened by the United States and its allies and may make them more willing to accept American concepts and help fight terrorism.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I don't know much about terrorism or foriegn alliances we have/had/should have but it seems to me that this is good news. I have not heard, potentially due to my lack of knowledge on the subject, that North Korea has ever truely done much to the US. The more hand we have to help the better!